tirsdag 31. mars 2009

The Edublogger’s Student Competition!

I would like to answer question 3 at The Edublogger's Student Competition.

3) What difference has blogging made to your life at school and home e.g. how has it changed how you learn, the challenges of blogging and how teachers might make the process easier?

So what difference has blogging done for me? Well. The only time I use my blog is at school on Tuesdays, when I have English. At home I haven’t even thought about using it. In my English class we write one blog post every week. It is an ok thing to do, but I don’t feel that I have learned so much from it. I think there are other learning methods that work better for me, like writing articles and essays. This makes me go deeper into what I write, and I learn much more. When I write on my blog I do find the same information, but I write it simple and short, and I don’t remember a word of it next week.

I don’t mind blogging, but I prefer other ways to work and learn.

1 kommentar:

Ann S. Michaelsen sa...

that is too bad, because I think you write well and that you write more this way. I really liked your article about Susan Boyle too!